16-23 July 2012
I want to encourage you if you are in a difficult situation and facing conflict in your life. These experiences I write about just do not happen to me in the world, it happens to people who take their stand on the rock-Jesus, who take their relationship with God seriously and still can praise God when they are falling apart. Let me remind you I am 22 years of age, a young lady, although I feel at a ripe old age at times (eye brow up), I do not limit myself. I push through. When you persevere and demand the supernatural you go places in the spiritual realm and the mysteries of God become known to you. I remind myself of Gods promises and that he is my FATHER. I warn Satan when I find him I will give him a few smacks and drop the word of God on his head. Not because of me, I have no power but that resurrected power lives in me and that is Jesus.
I am thinking of my besty Vannessa Govender, when we see Satan taking advantage of Gods people it upsets us and we become violent. This means waging war (Remember the post called A declaration when waging war) for us and we will go to war as Soldiers for Christ (Previous Post called Soldiers for Christ) and in style too.
This is my story and it can be yours to………
I was between a rock and a hard place. I thought I hit rock bottom because everything was going wrong for me, well so my natural mind thought at one point. Teaching practice started on the 16th of July 2012, I had a problem with my mentor. He scared my insides out (Straight face). I only had my last few South African rands in my sequence black wallet. (Blush face for my bling wallet). My allergies were spreading throughout my body (horrific to imagine). My Microsoft 2010 on my Toshiba laptop went crazy and then I realized I had a trial version and never download it when my besty Nicolan Steffan Govender also known as NS Govender (did I mention he teaches Ns-Natural Science) {bust laughing} insisted I install it. I told him ill do it later, every time he reminded me ill tell him later, later, Stef, Later!
Guess what? #thinking face#
Later never came. (Cynical smile) How on Earth was I going to make worksheets now or do my other work?
Do not dare answer the question
Did you read my post called “a written reflection on my thoughts”?
I was honest about my writing; I quote “It’s been years since I have written anything down with regards to my thoughts, feelings, and inspirations of theories. When I say years, I mean since high School that is. Maybe it is because of the Globalization and the introduction of blackberry’s which I had to switch off due to distractions and another is my Mother who swings the door open with just one touch. I also have to admit my very untidy writings that I, myself fail to interpret #crazy# I know, thankfully Love Letter days are over. I would never be able to get my message across”
Now you understand why I was panic mode? (Eye brow up).
I got more which happened; my purple berry’s battery was dying within three hours. I need my phone for many reasons, ministry is important and my lecturer will need to contact me. Ministry over the lecturer, I’m aware my lecturer contacting me seems to be made more important when reading but is not the case. You should know me by now. Lecturer from the university of kwa-Zulu Natal in south Africa-Pinetown calls me on the 15th of July 2012, Sunday, the day before teaching practice to tell me she is coming to crit my lesson on Wednesday (18th July) when I suppose to be observing lessons on the first week of teaching practice. What a wonderful way to start my final year teaching practice (sigh). I had my plate full but no appetite to eat (sarcasm).
What next?
Oh my hair iron did not want to come on. Every girl’s nightmare, please wake me up. Pinch me if you have to darling.
In the midst of everything I was experiencing in my life at once, I told myself, my father is with me, Abba will not leave me, I said with tears in my eyes “God if you brought me to it you will take me through it”. I am sensitive okay; sometimes I am and other times I am firm. I watch Oprah and cry (hands blocking eyes). I am currently dealing with my sensitivity. I believed strongly I will get through it. I also told myself God is in control. When I prayed I said to God “God, will you ever lie to me? Are you lying to me? You are not man that you will lie. I have faith in you God that you will show up in my situation because you are faithful to your promises; your word is full of your promises.” I begin to prophecy the supernatural over my life and every situation. I said to Abba, I will be a living testimony and I will reach Nation with my life, all for your Glory because I am nothing without you (previous post called who am I without Jesus). Afterwards I worshiped God in his throne room.
God came and embraced me, his presence revived me. I felt as if I had no obstacle yet I had a mountain before me.
How can this be the case?
I understood GOD Is ABLE
Scenes to follow:
My lecturer turned out to be such an angel pie hehehehe and when she called me the night before she mentioned I must not be scared she is here to help me. It was pure motivation, I could see my shadow and knew there must be light even in the dark tunnel. The lecturer from the university came to crit my Natural Science grade seven class on Pure substances and mixtures. I emptied my mother’s cupboards looking for seeds to use as mixtures. It was a success! When we sat down in the staff room to discuss my lesson. She smiled, held my arm and said I AM SO HAPPY WITH YOU, YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKE TO BE AN EXCELLENT TEACHER. God came through for me. He elevated me like Noah in the flood. She spoke so highly off me to my Teacher Liaison (Teacher in the school who is in charge of student teachers) and principal but my rating was average. This makes no sense but hey MY GOD IS ABLE. My lecture is coming again on the 1st of August. I believe in God of the second chance. My second crit lecture I did well and got an A, Thanks to God. I believed God will come through for me and he did with my crit for Natural Science. My other two crit lessons went well with the university lecturer for Life Orientation and I got 95 % for both. My internal mentors where supportive and gave me A’s. Remember I said he scared my insides out. This individual complained to my teacher Liaison that I lack confidence. I almost cried hearing my teacher Liaison tell me those words. I know if I lacked confidence I would not be doing so well. I explained to her how this mentor makes me nervous, does not give me a chance in the classroom, is confused about content and forgets instruction given to me. I told her I find it hard to believe because I go out of my way making worksheets; he even used my worksheet as an assignment to send to the department, which I marked those 80 scripts and Sir confused a question with one class so I had to have different memos. After teaching in his class for a crit lesson, he interrupts me all the time, gives me a lecture after school and as I am falling apart on my way home I find my best Steffan has left me making an assumption I left him. My dear friend is sitting with my mother at my house.can u believe that?
I am crying like a tsunami and my best friend is comfortably sitting in my house.
I was all alone in the natural, I could not understand why did he not bbm me or wait or look around for me, the school isn’t that big, now is it?
I am crying like a tsunami and my best friend is comfortably sitting in my house.
I was all alone in the natural, I could not understand why did he not bbm me or wait or look around for me, the school isn’t that big, now is it?
God wanted me to realize he is able and I should trust him and not man. When all the people are gone and all you left with is God then you finally comes to the realization you have everything you need because all you ever needed is God.
I cried a lot but I said God is able and that same teacher gave me 90% for my lesson. What an incredible GOD, MY DADDY.
My grandfather (Maternal) bought me a new battery and charger and my phone worked well afterwards.
My eczema is clearing slowly but surely. My secret: I demand for supernatural healing power of God to be like oil all over me. Try it, I have seen it work on many people who had bones pains and even muscle pains and I have faith one day God will use me to raise dead people. Phew! What an alive picture (LOL-Laughing out Loud). Goosebumps all over whhhoooo weeeeeeeee!
My mother spoke Irvine Rajgopaul from church that is a part of the phoenix branch church (South Africa) to install Microsoft for me and he did that Sunday for a combined meeting. He agreed and I was over the moon.
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Irvine and Leola Rajgopaul |
My bursary was not suppose to pay me during teaching practice in July because they paid me a small amount in may but they paid me three times that amount.