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Monday 1 October 2012

Do You?

I was amazed to find a book containing writings I composed when I was in my senior phase. It was foundation for my writings and I was developing a relationship with God at that point in my life. I was determined to do it right this time round and ensure it was genuine. That is why I wrote the post called ‘Intimacy with our creator: acknowledging Gods love for you and embrace it    http;//
 I struggled emotionally therefore psychologically I had a lot to deal with and that is a reason for me writing the post called “The mind”

Do you often feel like giving up or giving in…..? Do youget depressednag or get angry easily…. are you often tempted and experience ‘being at the wrong place at the wrong time’ often.

It‘s okay (referring to going through a season.)….really it is…you might not understand it, you might question if God is really there?
Remember the teacher is always quiet during a test….please don’t dare question God…..never doubt God for he is by your side all the way but you don’t notice because you to busy planning a pity party or advertising for moral supportbut why?,,,,,why do we talk to others (nothing wrong with talking to people, I am just getting to a point)…ask man for advice….when we have God (all knowing God)…our friend…..who wants to diligently….eagerly….but patiently waiting to hear what you need help with and about.

We get caught up with the web of life in different areas of our lives that we do not realize God should be more….we have dreams, goals and desires which are not according to the plans  and purposes of God (a time I was realising I had to align myself to God)… when we do not get what we want or for fill our human desires or needs In some cases we often get upset and refuse to please God for we feel that God does not want to give us certain opportunities or items being selfish and punishing us…..BUT…..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we fail to realize that it’s just not meant to be (certain friendships and relationships)…..was not meant to be in the past…..and sometimes difficult for us but permanently not meant to be in the future (quiet clearly I was unaware of the supernatural power of God, divine intervention and power of faith).

Many of us find it difficult to deal with….we hold onto disappointments not realising its appointments for better opportunities…..some deal with it but others not fully, while a few die ...With….the….thought……