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Saturday 12 April 2014

The Crucifixion

Watch "LETICIA NAIDOO" on YouTube

Betrayed by Man
Yet still decided to be man's number one fan
Jesus, the lamb to the slaughter
So willing
Sons and daughters
Even hell death and the grave was a waiting

To man he walked in shame
The crowds spoke as he walked by
They did not know he will be seated in heaven in such glory and fame

The blood shed on the ground
The Crown on his head not even perfectly round

No one knows what it's like
The whip on his back with a piece of bone and glass strike, strike, strike

bruised,  battered,  blood oozed out of him
Gush, gush, gush
nails pierced through his hands
bang, bang, bang

soldiers left him on two sticks, a cross to hang
No food to eat, no water to drink
now he is the bread of life
Now he is the living waters
now he is no longer a man on the cross
through his blood shed upon Calvary
I am gold; without all that eeew dross

I was not there
You were not in the crowd
Though for our sake JESUS TOOK THE BOW