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Friday 20 April 2012

The Mind

It is said to be the Devils work shop.  A place where we hear the voice of Abba Father and we can hear foreign voices.  Where the idea of master minds are born.  Where personality is, where all different kinds of thoughts linger.  Some thoughts are ignored; others are increased when we think about it further.

All these activities are just a fraction of what goes on in the human mind.

Ever wondered what causes a murderer, molester or criminal to behave in the manner which they do. What causes someone who is so quiet in nature to brutally murder? Is this abnormal behaviour even acknowledged by them that this is unacceptable to society? How does someone come to a point of no hope and commit a horrid deed that consists of planning to take their own life - Suicide? Is this a result of over thinking? Pressure or depression, maybe even disappointment?

Research shows if someone attempts suicide and fails it , the likelihood is they are going to try it again until they COMPLETE SUICIDE.

Lunatics are said to be called Lunatics because they are affected by changes of the Lunar, also known as the moon.

Interesting facts but let’s look at how our human minds can limit us and distract us from the purposes of God.

One negative thought can increase to a point it eliminates all positive thoughts.

Guilt can eat you up inside where you cannot forgive yourself from your sin you have committed YET God has forgiven you. Please do not get the wrong impression about what I am saying. I am saying guilt is good if you DO NOT repeat a mistake and you learn from it but were guilt can be so wrong is when you cut yourself from people, church and ministry all because you feel you can never in a million years be forgiven.
Point: We sin daily, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

Your human mind can say God can give me ONLY 10 yet God can give you 100. Our minds can limit God and out trust in him.
Your mind can keep you so occupied you forget to pray, worship or go to church.
How many times you said OH IT JUST SLIPPED MY MIND

When you think of inaccuracy, when you think of committing sin, by just thinking it IT is a sin. We cannot say I never perform it because you thought of it. It is like saying I purchased alcohol but I do not plan to consume it or I gave my friend money for drugs but I did not buy the drugs. Wrong! It is a sin!

When you have positive thoughts ranging in different sizes in your head you remain focused that if you are walking on a straight road you see ONLY what is in front of you and not a bird flying on your right and your neighbour excitedly waving on your left.

Meditating on the word, all things lovely, good, noble, true and pure is as the saying goes Good for your health.

Rebuke negative and inaccurate thoughts because a thought entertained is like going to snake, acknowledging it is going to bite you, poison you, entangle you and eat you but you choose to allow this serpent in your life.

Rebuke negative voices that says you cannot, you will never, you will suffer, you will not be forgiven.

Negativity can be brought to you by situations, people, loved ones, the enemy and even you yourself is a convict because if you do not meditate on the word of God, an intimate relationship with God, Prayer,. Worship, praise, listening to right kinds of music (PREFERABLY CHRISTIAN) then do you have time to even allow a negative thought to enter your mind.

A thought turns into an idea, and then soon your whole mentality is transformed to think a certain way. Those negative thought came into your territory. You allowed Mr and Mrs Negative to stay in your outbuilding, you kept checking on Mr and Mrs Negative and they felt so at home they multiplied every time you checked on them. You knew it was wrong or you did not expect to get out of hand. You still checked on the family and the little negatives grew and multiplied until they kicked you out of YOUR home so now you are lost. WHAT TO DO?

Next time negative comes to visit. You know what to do. Rebuke in the name of Jesus and block out voices of foreigners.