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Friday 4 May 2012

`Random thoughts ranging in my head and flowing from the depths of my heart

Do you not find it odd how we might end up being close friends with ones we least expected and sometimes find it hard to talk to certain friends about our situations which seem to bug us. We meet people from the opposite sex that hurt us and teach us lessons and makes us appreciate someone better that comes along. We fall in love, and out of love, we grow in love and that very same love which grew and blossomed SOMETIMES eventually shrivels and dries up. In other instances it remains strong and steadfast.
(Note: Random thoughts Part two...

These are a part of our Victorious Journey called life. When we realize our lives are not being lived only for ourselves but we live for Christ and Christ alone then our Journey takes a different route and we appreciate the humps and bumps of our journey through time into our Destiny, Gods will for our lives.

When you read my posts I want you to ask yourself a few questions regarding what’s going on behind the scenes. What really causes me to be brave enough to let people know what I feel, thinks, see, want and desire?
What did I experience to make me write this in a blog post?
I also want you to understand I also have my fair share of Drama, suffering and backstabbing.
There are moments of throwing in the towel and gathering the courage to say to people and God “I GIVE UP NOW! I THINK I HAD JUST ABOUT ENOUGH!!!”
I also had moments where I was not worthy of favour, opportunity, liberty, breakthrough and God divinely intervening on my behalf.
YES! I was gossiped to, with and about.
I have cried so much I swallowed my tears, lost my appetite, laughed so hard I felt I was  about to explode.
I have met bipolar people, had low self-esteem, had broken promises but I still stand tall.
All because I have a God that’s promises has never failed me.

 He is not man that he will lie. The word of God says he will not allow your foot to slip and he will never leave nor forsake you. I like how David says “I HAVE BEEN YOUNG AND OLD AND I HAVE NEVER SEEN THE RIGHTEOUS FORSAKEN”
God has ordered the footsteps of the righteous.
He has allowed angels to take charge of you.

You are the apple of his eye        

A written reflection on my thoughts and life in December 2011

24th December 2011

My hand is so sore, each time I bent my wrist it was even sore. This inspired me, weird you might think because how can pain inspire someone. Many people get inspired by pain and through suffering people like David who wrote the psalms, Job and Victor Frankyl, held a prisoner in the Nazi concentration camp by Adolf Hitler. Victor Frankyl discovered some of the greatest theories through his suffering.


When we are walking tall all the time we are perfectly fine because we have adapted to an upright position  but when our backbone has been bent or broken it then becomes very difficult for you to stand up straight again and when you are bent over again it hurts even more. Like Salt in your wounds or you unintentionally biting your lips and you do it again but deeper. It hurts so bad but so what when it heals you appreciate you being healed.

28th December 2011

When it comes to the last three months of the year I generally reflect on the year. Being so grateful to God for his favour and also looking at my mistakes and thinking was I insane or what, okay maybe a little insane (Laughing). I begin to get upset and I remind myself “I AM HUMAN”. Is this my excuse or my reason every time I sin?


I know no one is perfect but God and I know the flesh can cause you to sin if you allow it to. The flesh must decrease in order for the Spirit man to increase. The factors which increase the Spirit is reading you book of instructions, praying more for others than your own needs, worshiping in Gods throne (Throne room Worship) which equals to an intimate relationship with the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).


23 April 2012

Forces shape our lives every day, directly and indirectly.  What are forces? In Physics Forces are defined as a push or a pull in a certain direction be it North, south, east or west or up and down. We experience forces in every area of our lives; physically we experience a gravitational force towards the Earth so we are not afloat like in space. Emotionally situations determine how we feel and react. Are you an up and down person because of the way you feel. One minute you are up and next you are down or are it one day positive and another negative. Is depression a force tugging on you, bringing you obviously down. To me, in my opinion, I am just telling you how I feel about it. It is like being neither hot or cold which is equal to being Luke warm and you know what Revelations 3V16 says about being Luke warm. If you do not please feel free to read your manual, the scary part is God spitting you out.

It can be derived that there exists positive and negative forces and depression is an example of a negative force. If this be the case then what is justified to be positives forces which can shape us positively? Anything which is accurate, good, gentle and off God. Spending time in Gods chambers, at his feet, eating of his word and drinking his wine. These positive forces allow your feet to be placed on higher ground and on the ROCK (JESUS). These Positive forces will draw you to God like a Magnet. These Positive Forces will push you forward; will make you the head, these positive forces will take you higher.

I want to paint two pictures to you by using words and if you would allow your mind and be relaxed for just a moment to imagine the following two scenes:

Scene One:
There is clay in your hand and it is not pretty because it’s a clump of clay with no particular shape. In order for it to be useful to us by a vase, an ornament or clay pots we need to shape and mould clay. To shape the clay into something useful we need to apply forces towards the clay.

Situations shape and mould us. We are but clay in the Potters hand (GOD) and God moulds us into something useful. At first we are just a clump of clay, then we are moulded, we are hollow, then God fills us until we run over, with living waters and the oil of Gladness. Enlarge your territory so you can contain what God wants to give you. Open the folds of your tents to the North, South, East and West.

Scene Two:
You are running a race and there’s is a friend who helps you buy pulling you forward, a team member from another team sees this and tries to pull you backwards.
In which direction will you go? Forward or Backwards?
Allow me answer the question for you. It all depends on the strength of the forces, whichever is stronger you will go in that direction.

Make sure you are cemented in Christ so when the enemy comes in you will not be moved by those negative forces.

Part 4: Stairs and Ladders

Stairs in building and homes, stairs outside leading to homes and buildings. Moving stairs are called escalators found in malls. Ladders are used for those hands on kid off jobs, more a handy man’s/woman’s job (trying not to be sexists, it can be sensitive you know {smirk on my face})  like painting house, walls and roofs, putting aerials, changing globes and I think I made you realise why there is a need for a ladder. Children playing on a jungle gym will climb a ladder, a game that has ladders, be it video games or board games, a ladder to climb a slide at a pool (Ushaka Marine World). We can agree with a statement that stairs and ladders work two ways that is you can go up and down.

Stairs and ladders can lead us to the throne rooms of God which is situated in the Heavens. The trick is to have the strength necessary to climb the stairs. There is a bar if you are afraid of heights called trust and faith. To climb a ladder you are not allowed to look down at your past. You are required not to carry your burdens but cast it to Jesus so your shoulders are light.  You must also focus above on God; make Jesus the centre of it all. Make sure you are going up and never down.