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Friday 4 May 2012

`Random thoughts ranging in my head and flowing from the depths of my heart

Do you not find it odd how we might end up being close friends with ones we least expected and sometimes find it hard to talk to certain friends about our situations which seem to bug us. We meet people from the opposite sex that hurt us and teach us lessons and makes us appreciate someone better that comes along. We fall in love, and out of love, we grow in love and that very same love which grew and blossomed SOMETIMES eventually shrivels and dries up. In other instances it remains strong and steadfast.
(Note: Random thoughts Part two...

These are a part of our Victorious Journey called life. When we realize our lives are not being lived only for ourselves but we live for Christ and Christ alone then our Journey takes a different route and we appreciate the humps and bumps of our journey through time into our Destiny, Gods will for our lives.

When you read my posts I want you to ask yourself a few questions regarding what’s going on behind the scenes. What really causes me to be brave enough to let people know what I feel, thinks, see, want and desire?
What did I experience to make me write this in a blog post?
I also want you to understand I also have my fair share of Drama, suffering and backstabbing.
There are moments of throwing in the towel and gathering the courage to say to people and God “I GIVE UP NOW! I THINK I HAD JUST ABOUT ENOUGH!!!”
I also had moments where I was not worthy of favour, opportunity, liberty, breakthrough and God divinely intervening on my behalf.
YES! I was gossiped to, with and about.
I have cried so much I swallowed my tears, lost my appetite, laughed so hard I felt I was  about to explode.
I have met bipolar people, had low self-esteem, had broken promises but I still stand tall.
All because I have a God that’s promises has never failed me.

 He is not man that he will lie. The word of God says he will not allow your foot to slip and he will never leave nor forsake you. I like how David says “I HAVE BEEN YOUNG AND OLD AND I HAVE NEVER SEEN THE RIGHTEOUS FORSAKEN”
God has ordered the footsteps of the righteous.
He has allowed angels to take charge of you.

You are the apple of his eye        

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