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Friday 16 November 2012

Random thoughts ranging in my head and flowing from the depths of my heart : Part two

Hi. Great Greetings to you. No matter which part of the world you have inhabited, I believe you where destined to come across this post.

And…………. the posts seem to be flowing like a constantly flowing river. I find it difficult resting when God gives me instruction or revelation to move forward. I never planned part two of “Random thoughts ranging in my head and flowing from the depths of my heart”.
Wait a minute sugar. I never even planned part one or this blog but the Lords ordained it so it will be. No matter who says what, NO ONE can stop God from doing as he pleases, not you, your pastor, your enemy or OUR (body of Christ) enemy, the unmentionable because not worth it putting his name here, not even government officials or these crazy weather patterns we are currently experiencing around the globe.

Take a chill break, sit back and chill, think about your government, think of laws, Bills. I got more familiar with legal documents during studying. What are they trying to do?
A new order needs to be put in place.
When Gods hand moves then there will be a shaking and I hope people around the globe open those sleepy or fish scaled eyes to see what Jesus is all about. The bride upsets me. (Post called Bride for Christ christ.html )

We have rights and we fight for our so called rights BUT spiritually we also have rights as a CHILD OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. Next time you have turmoil in your life. Why not stand up for your rights.

Random thought number #2: (yeah the previous sentences were Random thought number #1.)
Recently my family went through a great ordeal from finding out sicknesses to two deaths a day apart from each other. My mother’s uncle and her first cousin passed away all on the same side. A double shot on the face, indeed it was. Made me think, Life is not certain therefore everyday is……
Every day is a gift to us.
Every day is a chance to praise God
Every day is a challenge to overcome
Every day is a task to complete
Every day is an opportunity to unlock newness and to go higher
We not sure of tomorrow but we know God is there.

Random thought number #3:

You can have all the money in the world including the pot of gold at the end each rainbow (sarcasm) but if you do not tithe, go to church and apply what is in our manual (Bible) in your life then you are keeping your free ticket to jail (like a monopoly game). I am being very nice about it calling it “ jail ” because hell is worse than jail, lifelong imprisonment and torture.

Random thought number #4:
Spend all your time gathering facts or theories as why people are the way they are. You can criticize all you want but their life is not going to change, well neither is yours. There are other things to be done than criticising.

Random thought number #5:
Misery loves company.
I am experiencing a dry patch and I come across an individual not going through the same situation in most cases maybe under the same arena. We can speak for hours on what we experiencing.
Seems as if I am having a go at speaking about what we experience in life?????
Not at all, I have nothing against speaking to any one, especially those who are going through exactly what you going through, in fact they give good advice BUT if you are complaining until the cows come home. I got news for you darling, one word “Wilderness”.

Monday 1 October 2012

Do You?

I was amazed to find a book containing writings I composed when I was in my senior phase. It was foundation for my writings and I was developing a relationship with God at that point in my life. I was determined to do it right this time round and ensure it was genuine. That is why I wrote the post called ‘Intimacy with our creator: acknowledging Gods love for you and embrace it    http;//
 I struggled emotionally therefore psychologically I had a lot to deal with and that is a reason for me writing the post called “The mind”

Do you often feel like giving up or giving in…..? Do youget depressednag or get angry easily…. are you often tempted and experience ‘being at the wrong place at the wrong time’ often.

It‘s okay (referring to going through a season.)….really it is…you might not understand it, you might question if God is really there?
Remember the teacher is always quiet during a test….please don’t dare question God…..never doubt God for he is by your side all the way but you don’t notice because you to busy planning a pity party or advertising for moral supportbut why?,,,,,why do we talk to others (nothing wrong with talking to people, I am just getting to a point)…ask man for advice….when we have God (all knowing God)…our friend…..who wants to diligently….eagerly….but patiently waiting to hear what you need help with and about.

We get caught up with the web of life in different areas of our lives that we do not realize God should be more….we have dreams, goals and desires which are not according to the plans  and purposes of God (a time I was realising I had to align myself to God)… when we do not get what we want or for fill our human desires or needs In some cases we often get upset and refuse to please God for we feel that God does not want to give us certain opportunities or items being selfish and punishing us…..BUT…..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we fail to realize that it’s just not meant to be (certain friendships and relationships)…..was not meant to be in the past…..and sometimes difficult for us but permanently not meant to be in the future (quiet clearly I was unaware of the supernatural power of God, divine intervention and power of faith).

Many of us find it difficult to deal with….we hold onto disappointments not realising its appointments for better opportunities…..some deal with it but others not fully, while a few die ...With….the….thought……

Sunday 16 September 2012


     Oh My Goodness! Great News, the post entitled "Gods Promises" just reached 3 000 + page views.  We (us as the Body of Christ) just reached  73 Countries, 10 000 + page views and almost 500 profile. Only God can supernaturally perform this miracle. Thank you Jesus for all these countries and I believe in 2013 there will be ten times this amount.



     Analysis of 2012:
almost 500 Profile views

65 Countries
8 000 + Page views on the blog
The Post "God Promises" reached 1 856
On twitter: Authors and singers follow me
On Facebook people from different Countries invite me to share on their groups to share
invited to speak to Youth at a  church called Jordan Full Gospel church pastored by Ronald Moses (Red Hill- South Africa, Durban)

Analysis of 2013:

In the 2nd week of Jan 2013 the post "Gods Promises " Reached 2 000
the day before (11th ) my birthday i received a mail from Catherine Mumbi who lives in Kenya motivating me to keep up the blog and was inspired enough to mail me. I have dreamed of getting mailed by people and my early birthday gift from GOD was perfect.
In the first week of Feb 2013 it went up to 3 000 + page views. Pure Praises and songs to God.
In March i received an e-mail from Mary-Ann Hendrix from Johannesburg (Gauteng Province) in South Africa who was impressed with the blog

    Total : 75 Countries
    1.    Argentina
    2.    Australia
    3.    Austria
    4.    Albania
    5.    Bangladesh
    6.    Brazil
    7.    Belize
    8.    Belgium
    9.    Botswana
    10. Bulgaria
    11. Cameroon
    12. Canada
    13. Colombia
    14. Costa Rica
    15. Egypt
    16. Ethiopia
    17. Finland
    18. France
    19. Germany
    20. Ghana
    21. Guyana
    22. Greece
    23. Hungary
    24. Honduras
    25. Hong Kong
    26. India
    27. Indonesia
    28. Ireland
    29. Israel
    30. Italy
    31. Jamaica
    32. Japan
    33. Jordan
    34. Kenya
    35. Kuwait
    36. Latvia
    37. Malaysia
    38. Maldives
    39. Mexico
    40. Namibia
    41. Netherlands
    42. New Zealand
    43. Nigeria
    44. Norway
    45. Oman
    46. Philippines
    47. Poland
    48. Puerto Rico
    49. Russia
    50. Romania
    51. Saint Kitts and Nevis
    52. Saint Lucia
    53. Senegal
    54. Seychelles
    55. Singapore
    56. Slovakia
    57. Slovenia
    58. South Africa
    59. South Korea
    60. Swaziland
    61. Switzerland
    62. Sri Lanka
    63. Saudi Arabia
    64. Sweden
    65. Thailand
    66. Trinidad Tobago
    67. Turkey
    68. Uganda
    69. Ukraine
    70. United Arab Emirates
    71. United Kingdom
    72. United states
    73. Vietnam                                                                                      
    74. Tajikistan
    75. Estonia

    Friday 7 September 2012

    It is the little things in Life that Prevent us from our Breakthrough

    Date: 9 July 2012
    Time: 11:24
    Venue: Home sweet home

    It is the last week of the holiday before us future Educators go into Schools for teaching practice. Just when I got set in the holiday mood I have to adapt to being in a working environment. I figured I need to start working in advance again to prevent stress. Some people work better under pressure. As for me, I prefer to avoid acne, eating disorders, back pains, chest pains, head pains and whatever other pain which follows. (Grin)

    Just a small real life Scene:

    My friend at campus has been called stress by a few of us (friend A – Let us call her FRANCINE). One day Friend B (A close friend of mine-Let us call her RAMONA) and I hurried pass Francine to fill printing credits in the Edminson Library on UKZN Edgewood Campus. Ramona pointed and said to me See there is Francine. I looked at her telling her with great sarcasm. I can see her, I know I wear reading glasses but that does not mean I cannot see at all because Francine was several steps in front of us anyway. Ramona told me R10 bet she is stressed. Before I can inhale air to say yes or no Ramona asked Francine how she is and Francine replied with the obvious ‘I am stressed’. I held my laugh in and Ramona and I practically ran to the Library so we could laugh our hearts out. I still owe Ramona R10. Thankfully she has forgotten or was it convincing her gambling is against my religion. Either way I win (dancing)
    ThE EnD

    What to wear is a drama for me or for any Lady and few selective men. It is more complicated for us Ladies. Some men argue but truth is how long it takes to smear sticky gel in your hair compare to straightening hair. If you are bald, good for you, you have no idea what a bad hair day is all about. (GRIN)

    All your accessories, makeup, handbags and shoes need to match. I decided to rearrange my countless jewellery boxes and I was almost done but the little things took forever to pick up and sort out. My aim was to sort out my room but the little items appeared to be big obstacles.

    I left the small items on my bed to quickly type this post. I feel we ignore thoughts and small habits expecting it not interfere in our lives but there are like grenades. They just wait to explode all over the place and in your pretty/handsome face. (Sarcasm). It took me forever to sort out and put away the smaller items. It is like kicking dirt under a carpet and expecting it not to bother you in anyway but it keeps accumulating and then you are left with heap of dirt. Yay me, NOT!

    Heard the gesture “It is the little foxes that spoil the vine” before?

    It is sometimes the little scenes in life which affect us the most.
    Maybe giving a wrong answer in class which scars you from answering the next time in class because one wrong concept or word resulted in you being the laughing stock in class.

    Maybe it is the one mark you lost in an assignment where you gave a silly answer and cost you your 100 %.
    Maybe it was pronouncing a word incorrectly
    A stain on your white clothes
    A crease on your top
    A stone missing from that gorgeous ring of yours
    A food particle stuck in your enamel which is green or black EWWWW why did I think of something so funny and yuck. It’s natural to think of it (light bulb lit up in head).
    A broken nail which resulted in you clipping all your nails I cry when my nails break (laughing because I know you are, you think I am crazy but I love my nails, but I love God more{eyes converted to hearts})

     It was Esau wanting soup and selling his birth right. Compare the size of a bowl of lentil soup to your birth right.

    Lots wife turned around and she turned into a pillar of salt. Compare once again.
    One turn resulted in her whole body being turned into a pillar of salt.

    Compare your light switch to lighting up your room. A small switch lights up a room 100 times the size of that light switch mounted on the walls of your lounge.

    Compare a drop of water to a bucket of water but if the water keeps accumulating. Will you not get a bucket full?

    Do not ignore the little things in life, when it turns converts from a heap to a mountain. We will need some melting mountains like wax to be done.

    Thursday 6 September 2012

    Fingerprint of God's Finger : Supernatural

    2 September 2012
    South Africa, Kwa Zulu Natal, Durban, Chatsworth

    God is making everyday a new experience for me. I had drool before him for him to send an outpour. I placed a demand and God exceeded my demand all because he can, he is God and he is God of the abundance (remember the post on the demand for Ransom and the post called Nothing is impossible). This Sunday was the end of a 7 day fast for the supernatural power of God. I cannot keep up posts to even tell you what God is doing, all I can say is catch onto whatever you read on this blog and embrace it, declare it, share it too. The spiritual realm is becoming more real and a closer relationship with God is zooming in on things of God, supernatural! I realized I am being selfish by hiding the prophetic evangelic experience I witnessed, the sounds of heaven being heard physically and angelic visitations amongst other encounters. This is real but people in the body are sleeping. Shake them up if you have to, help them and do not worry or be disappointed if you do not see instant transformation. A seed will grow and you have planted seeds when imparting into someone else’s life in the foundations of their hearts.
    Today My Spiritual Daddy (Pastor Trevor Dolan) 

    Pastor Trevor and Pravi Dolan

     spoke about the finger of God. This is getting my brain box rattling. I am awake typing this post because I can not rest until this post has started. It is so powerful!
    Why a finger you ask, I say why not?
    Why not the hand of God you wonder?
    Think about your finger. When you point at an object you are specific.
    Your friend offers you a handful of candy. To choose one you point at the candy you desire.
    How would you feel knowing God has pointed his finger towards you?
    Choosing you, a chosen one for him, specifically singling you out. What if I told you God is placing his finger on you and telling you his going to take you out from where you are and place at a different location?
    Caught it?
    Not yet?
    Getting there. Hold up I just got started baybee
    Everyone in the world has a unique thumb print or finger print just as each snow flake that falls is different and unique in its own way from previous snowflakes falling.
    Think of all the times you applied for your identity document or your Passport or you went for your drivers, were you not asked for your finger print?
    Your fingerprint is unique and your personal details come up when your finger print is taken depending if you have used a technological device.
    We watch television and see convicts getting their finger prints taken.

    Gods fingerprint is also unique, the difference between Gods amazingly unique finger print and ours is……..
    We need someone blowing the trumpet for this one

    Gods fingerprint is everlastingly permanent. Once touched by God you will have a trade mark of God like a barcode. We do carry DNA of God, Royal blood of Father flowing through our veins, true vines.
    Go and have a bath and scrub yourself to take out the print from Gods finger, it will not come out.
    A permanent marker
    Permanent ink
    Engraved on Granite like the Ten Commandments
    So does this mean when God wrote your sweet and breathe taking name on his palm with that same finger it is permanent?
    You sure can believe that fact huni.

    Reflecting back>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    After eating oily Indian food (curry or breyani) maybe fried pastries (samoosa, spring rolls) or those hot and spicy pickles. Making your mouth water?
    I am writing to you in spring rainy and cold weather. Guess I am making myself drool more than anyone else, madness I tell you.
    I am mixed but majority Indian so I love my Indian foods. I once did not realise I had a tiny drop of oil on my pointer finger; I touched a book which left an oil stain.
    I remember touching a car window and a day later seeing my finger print evidence shown by oil stains produced by my body.
    I remember high school Physics at Welbedene Secondary the late Mr D Govender taught us a test for oils leaves a translucent stain.

    Think about it……..
    Some people have access oil produced but their body and their T zone area on their face is oily so you would go to dermatologists to purchase a cream which can help you deal with.
    In a crime scene criminologists come into a crime scene searching for fingerprint linking to a person who could be a suspect in bloody murder case.

    So the annointing is oil and when we pray we are smeered with annointing by the finger of God and when we go out praying or ministering to people we leave the stain of the annointing.