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Friday 16 November 2012

Random thoughts ranging in my head and flowing from the depths of my heart : Part two

Hi. Great Greetings to you. No matter which part of the world you have inhabited, I believe you where destined to come across this post.

And…………. the posts seem to be flowing like a constantly flowing river. I find it difficult resting when God gives me instruction or revelation to move forward. I never planned part two of “Random thoughts ranging in my head and flowing from the depths of my heart”.
Wait a minute sugar. I never even planned part one or this blog but the Lords ordained it so it will be. No matter who says what, NO ONE can stop God from doing as he pleases, not you, your pastor, your enemy or OUR (body of Christ) enemy, the unmentionable because not worth it putting his name here, not even government officials or these crazy weather patterns we are currently experiencing around the globe.

Take a chill break, sit back and chill, think about your government, think of laws, Bills. I got more familiar with legal documents during studying. What are they trying to do?
A new order needs to be put in place.
When Gods hand moves then there will be a shaking and I hope people around the globe open those sleepy or fish scaled eyes to see what Jesus is all about. The bride upsets me. (Post called Bride for Christ christ.html )

We have rights and we fight for our so called rights BUT spiritually we also have rights as a CHILD OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. Next time you have turmoil in your life. Why not stand up for your rights.

Random thought number #2: (yeah the previous sentences were Random thought number #1.)
Recently my family went through a great ordeal from finding out sicknesses to two deaths a day apart from each other. My mother’s uncle and her first cousin passed away all on the same side. A double shot on the face, indeed it was. Made me think, Life is not certain therefore everyday is……
Every day is a gift to us.
Every day is a chance to praise God
Every day is a challenge to overcome
Every day is a task to complete
Every day is an opportunity to unlock newness and to go higher
We not sure of tomorrow but we know God is there.

Random thought number #3:

You can have all the money in the world including the pot of gold at the end each rainbow (sarcasm) but if you do not tithe, go to church and apply what is in our manual (Bible) in your life then you are keeping your free ticket to jail (like a monopoly game). I am being very nice about it calling it “ jail ” because hell is worse than jail, lifelong imprisonment and torture.

Random thought number #4:
Spend all your time gathering facts or theories as why people are the way they are. You can criticize all you want but their life is not going to change, well neither is yours. There are other things to be done than criticising.

Random thought number #5:
Misery loves company.
I am experiencing a dry patch and I come across an individual not going through the same situation in most cases maybe under the same arena. We can speak for hours on what we experiencing.
Seems as if I am having a go at speaking about what we experience in life?????
Not at all, I have nothing against speaking to any one, especially those who are going through exactly what you going through, in fact they give good advice BUT if you are complaining until the cows come home. I got news for you darling, one word “Wilderness”.

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