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Friday 7 September 2012

It is the little things in Life that Prevent us from our Breakthrough

Date: 9 July 2012
Time: 11:24
Venue: Home sweet home

It is the last week of the holiday before us future Educators go into Schools for teaching practice. Just when I got set in the holiday mood I have to adapt to being in a working environment. I figured I need to start working in advance again to prevent stress. Some people work better under pressure. As for me, I prefer to avoid acne, eating disorders, back pains, chest pains, head pains and whatever other pain which follows. (Grin)

Just a small real life Scene:

My friend at campus has been called stress by a few of us (friend A – Let us call her FRANCINE). One day Friend B (A close friend of mine-Let us call her RAMONA) and I hurried pass Francine to fill printing credits in the Edminson Library on UKZN Edgewood Campus. Ramona pointed and said to me See there is Francine. I looked at her telling her with great sarcasm. I can see her, I know I wear reading glasses but that does not mean I cannot see at all because Francine was several steps in front of us anyway. Ramona told me R10 bet she is stressed. Before I can inhale air to say yes or no Ramona asked Francine how she is and Francine replied with the obvious ‘I am stressed’. I held my laugh in and Ramona and I practically ran to the Library so we could laugh our hearts out. I still owe Ramona R10. Thankfully she has forgotten or was it convincing her gambling is against my religion. Either way I win (dancing)

What to wear is a drama for me or for any Lady and few selective men. It is more complicated for us Ladies. Some men argue but truth is how long it takes to smear sticky gel in your hair compare to straightening hair. If you are bald, good for you, you have no idea what a bad hair day is all about. (GRIN)

All your accessories, makeup, handbags and shoes need to match. I decided to rearrange my countless jewellery boxes and I was almost done but the little things took forever to pick up and sort out. My aim was to sort out my room but the little items appeared to be big obstacles.

I left the small items on my bed to quickly type this post. I feel we ignore thoughts and small habits expecting it not interfere in our lives but there are like grenades. They just wait to explode all over the place and in your pretty/handsome face. (Sarcasm). It took me forever to sort out and put away the smaller items. It is like kicking dirt under a carpet and expecting it not to bother you in anyway but it keeps accumulating and then you are left with heap of dirt. Yay me, NOT!

Heard the gesture “It is the little foxes that spoil the vine” before?

It is sometimes the little scenes in life which affect us the most.
Maybe giving a wrong answer in class which scars you from answering the next time in class because one wrong concept or word resulted in you being the laughing stock in class.

Maybe it is the one mark you lost in an assignment where you gave a silly answer and cost you your 100 %.
Maybe it was pronouncing a word incorrectly
A stain on your white clothes
A crease on your top
A stone missing from that gorgeous ring of yours
A food particle stuck in your enamel which is green or black EWWWW why did I think of something so funny and yuck. It’s natural to think of it (light bulb lit up in head).
A broken nail which resulted in you clipping all your nails I cry when my nails break (laughing because I know you are, you think I am crazy but I love my nails, but I love God more{eyes converted to hearts})

 It was Esau wanting soup and selling his birth right. Compare the size of a bowl of lentil soup to your birth right.

Lots wife turned around and she turned into a pillar of salt. Compare once again.
One turn resulted in her whole body being turned into a pillar of salt.

Compare your light switch to lighting up your room. A small switch lights up a room 100 times the size of that light switch mounted on the walls of your lounge.

Compare a drop of water to a bucket of water but if the water keeps accumulating. Will you not get a bucket full?

Do not ignore the little things in life, when it turns converts from a heap to a mountain. We will need some melting mountains like wax to be done.