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Tuesday 4 November 2014

Women of God: Women of Worth ( WOW)

She is a daughter, a mother, a wife

An aunt, a grandmother, even a sister

Whatever her role is

Whatever her age

She is Gods beautiful creation inside and outside

I write about women not because I am one but because I see them all over locally, nationally, internationally.

From Mother Theresa to Michelle Obama, from Indira Ghandi to Winnie Mandela from Vinothi Naidoo, to Erasmia Clandy Naidoo to Pravie Dolan

A mentor, a friend, a spiritual Mother

I look at great men of God around the world and see behind the scenes and side by side the women are scaffolds supporting a building.

A pillar of strength 

The completion of a home

What makes a women so amazing

Is it her beautiful silky hair or her improper pony tail because she had house chores to tend and kids to care?


Is it her fragile heart or unconditional love she showers no matter how many times you break her heart?

Is it her stunning clothes, glamorous dresses, blinged jewelrey, glossy lips or high heels?

Mybe its her sacrifice of time and energy, money and her dreams

Is it her struggle from cancer and other diseases

It is her caring for kids and people which are her blood or not her blood?

Is it the time she spends on her knees?

Is it the Mary and the Alabaster box experience which she comes before the Lord broken.

Is it her labour pains?

Her birthing process?

When her birth canal stretches to show the world a new child?

Women are vessels, not saying you men aren’t , A feministic position is what I do not occupy


Vessels of new, of life, fostering growth and development, carriers of abundance, lavishers of tender love and care

Whether female




Whatever you refer to them as

She isn’t unknown

Not made up

Not a fiction

We all know a lady Virtuous in all her ways

Fighting a battle

Overcame a struggle

Shed tears at night

A catalyst of new beginnings

Somewhere in the world

Right now

She is praying, interceding on our behalf

Women of Worth WOW
Erasmia Clandy
PASTOR PRAVIE, Andrea, Astrid and blossom
Vino my 

Saturday 12 April 2014

The Crucifixion

Watch "LETICIA NAIDOO" on YouTube

Betrayed by Man
Yet still decided to be man's number one fan
Jesus, the lamb to the slaughter
So willing
Sons and daughters
Even hell death and the grave was a waiting

To man he walked in shame
The crowds spoke as he walked by
They did not know he will be seated in heaven in such glory and fame

The blood shed on the ground
The Crown on his head not even perfectly round

No one knows what it's like
The whip on his back with a piece of bone and glass strike, strike, strike

bruised,  battered,  blood oozed out of him
Gush, gush, gush
nails pierced through his hands
bang, bang, bang

soldiers left him on two sticks, a cross to hang
No food to eat, no water to drink
now he is the bread of life
Now he is the living waters
now he is no longer a man on the cross
through his blood shed upon Calvary
I am gold; without all that eeew dross

I was not there
You were not in the crowd
Though for our sake JESUS TOOK THE BOW

Saturday 15 March 2014

Listen up!

It is exactly a year that I have blogged. I spent a lot of time in 2013 interceding and looking at new ways to get the blog out there. Till this very day God has been so kind to me and allowed this blog to be found by people on the net, I am so grateful to ABBA.

This post was actually written on the 16th December, 2011. Inspired by God and his calling, his greatness, his beauty, oooh Goodness me, I could go on and on. I pray you will be blessed.

Listen up!
I am talking to each and every one of you.
No matter male or female, young or old, leader or member.

I don’t care what you have been through
I don’t care what you going through
I don’t care what you are wearing
I don’t care what you are thinking
I don’t even care what sin you have committed

There is a higher calling
There is a power stronger than the watts in the Kings and Queens Castle.
There is a light brighter than the sun
There are signs and wonder far greater than the zodiacs

There is a love that will leave more than butterflies in your tummy, blush on your face, happy thoughts, humming, sweet dreams, tingly feelings.

There is something that can satisfy your every craving
That is far greater than all the riches of the Earth, put together, tied up in a bow.
You don’t need to put it in a safe place to keep it away from thieves but  there is a certain kind of thief after it but hey, this is not about him, this is not even about me. Therefore I am not going to talk about it.

I am talking about fire so hot that the heat waves can melt the Antarctica. If it was burning right here in Africa, South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, Chatsworth.

I feel like I am melting already

I am speaking of perfection, excellence. As perfect as a baby, white as snow, purity, holiness, without spot or blemish. Who did not need plastic surgery to become or stay perfect.

Do I have to tell you anymore to make you realise how great this is.
Do I have to spell it out for you, do I have to draw to draw a picture, calculate it, bribe you, and positively reinforce you.

It does not matter what you have been through, what you are going through, what you wearing, thinking or what sin you have committed.

You are a part of God’ perfect plan

He that is within me is greater than he that is in the world
He that is within me is greater than he that is in the world
That is
 Within me
 Then he