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Wednesday 22 August 2012

Something out of Nothing

10 July 2012

Something out of nothing!
Who else can do that besides God?
Answer: None

Who takes a ball of darkness and puts light on it and Adds life to a dead place
The potter takes clay that is irregular in shape and turns it into an ornament and a vessel now with a regular shape. People put ornaments on tables and display cabnets.
Clay from the ground (lower level) now taken, transformed and now admired in homes and now elevated.

Who else can do that?
Who takes a broken person and uses them in the kingdom to heal the BROKEN
Logically it sounds absurd but that is exactly what God did to men and women in the Bible and he did it to us too.
In the midst of not having a father, low self-esteem and pain God still used me, healed me and filled me so I can help others out there, just like me.
God took my broken pieces and turned me into a master piece, all for his Glory.
When God takes a rock and turns it into diamonds, shined and polished.
No one walks around with stones on their rings or jewellery but precious
gems, glittering even in the dark.
Your family can not afford to put food on the table, a neighbour gives you bread and you have some butter in the fridge but you go to bed so satisfied.
Something out of nothing.
A vessel is useless until it is used. You were taken and filled with oil and water
Something out of nothing
When you feel like nothing
When you have nothing
Remember the enemy wants you to think Nothing and do Nothing about your situation because he tries and puts scales on your eyes so you cannot see that you have something, in fact you have everything, all you ever wanted is right beside you (HOLY SPIRIT), all you ever dreamed of is watching over you (GOD THE FATHER), all you desired is inside of you, Christ, Jesus Messiah

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