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Tuesday 3 July 2012

The Harvest

Unsure if you have four fingers your natural colour and a green thumb, which does not mean you have super powers or you related to Hulk (Sarcastic look). All it means is you have fingers that plant and what you put your hand to is blessed because it grows upright and green but most importantly if it is fruit or flower plant it must bear fruit in season and produce flowers.

I recall planting carrots and corn at the age of around eight. It was so fun for me because I use to spend so much time reading, I loved so much. My mum gave me both packets one containing carrot seeds and the other containing corn.

Who was not aware of her actions. (P.S You have to read to find out)

 My mother said to me “Leticia! Do not do anything until I get back because you are not sure how to plant”. I looked at her without saying any words but through body language she knew what was going on in my little mischief mind. My mother asked me if I heard her, like obviously I am paying attention, I am looking at you (Thinking). Mother mentioned in order for our plants to grow properly, before we plant we must clean the area of rocks and toss the soil a bit. All this talk was making me more eager. As soon as my mother entered the house it was like I was a prisoner who through years of torture finally, found a way to escape.

I hurriedly opened each packet, took two seeds from one and three from the other, I did not have the time to count, I just put my finger in and grabbed whatever I could. I pushed the seeds in a haphazard order in my small patch my mother reserved for me. I was going to surprise my mother and plant all but when I reached my thumb and pointer finger in a carrot seeds packet I could hear her approaching. I felt like I was a step away from freedom but the security guard was on his or her way in this case, making her way to my cell. In the whole rush I tore the carrot seed containing packet as a grand exit for my mother from our house but even more stunning entrance outside.

Holding both packets of seeds tightly in my hand. The packets seemed plastic but if it was play dough I can guarantee it is now made one. My mother just knew I did something wrong. She asked me for the seeds, I said to her in the most caring voice “Ma’am you do what you want to do here and I will watch you and then I will give you the seeds”. Silly me, I just gave it away. Mum insisted I hand it to her straight away. I did hand it to her straight away but in slow motion, how hilarious. When I finally reached the point of placing the packet in her hands I clenched my fist real tight not wanting to let go of the packet because the results would not be of friendliest of nature. My mother’s back bent over towards me, she lifted her dark brown eyes towards me and I swallowed my smile but my smile made its way up my throat (Upward Peristalsis which is Vomit) and squeezed its way through my one sided dimple cheeks. My mother gave me a stiff look and that LOOK my dear friends in Christ was enough motivation to let go off the packet.

I faced music which was not in sync. My mother is not the best of singers any way (Pray you {Mother} do not read this blog post for some odd sort of reason). My mother cleared the area, we removed weeds, tossed the soil and we planted the seeds in a row and in a sequence. Each day I would spare a few minutes from all my reading, drawing, collections of items (Stamps, money from different Countries, sea Shells, Valuable stones), scrap booking and playing with my education clown (Taught me to tie a shoe lace, put a button, a press stud and use a zip)just to look at my small Garden Patch. I would smile so much to see what I planted actually grew.

 My great Grandmother (Maternal-Grand dads Mother) was mixed between Indian and German. Christina Margaret was her name and she had a green thumb, so did my mother and I was pleased to know I did too. Day after day I would visit my Garden Patch; my mum showed me how one carrot plant was not growing because of the lack of sunlight. My mother asked me if I want to see carrots grow and if I want to eat corn. I felt it was a silly question but at age eight I knew she had a point. I nodded meaning yes and so you should water it daily and not too much of water because you will drown your plants, she added. I remember thinking why plants cannot swim.

Day after day as a good farmer I would tend to my crops, water it and pull out any unwanted plants growing. If you do not look like carrot leaves or corn leaves then you cannot put your roots in my garden patch I would think. One day it rained and I was running outside to put a plastic packet over my precious crops and my mum stopped me together with my uncle and grandparents, well that was before they laughed themselves sick. My plants are going to drown and my family is laughing at me. We are wasting time here. Every time my mother laughed her hands would be loosened around my arms so it was easier for me to escape. I was now standing two steps away from our wooden door, the rain came pouring they had to close the door. My family can laugh for hours and talk at the same time but we will require an interpreter. After all our laughing sessions my mother explained to me “Rain is good for the plants”
Rather confused I looked at her and said in a confused but confirming tone “You told me if I put too much of water they will drown”. My mother smiled and said God will not drown them, you think plants and trees all over the world are drowning. It is not a flood.

Next day, first thing that beautiful cleared sky morning I dashed outside to check on my Garden patch. Mum was right, they were pretty fine, I uprooted a carrot, and it was thin as a bamboo stick. Mum, came outside to check on me. It is quite amazing how she knew just when to make her way through towards me. It is as if my mother knew when I was getting up to mischief or was it her knowing me too well or was it her being attached to me because of her being a single parent or me being an only child. Whatever it may be it was crazy I do not understand it even the age of 22. “What are you doing”, she asked in authority. “I was checking if it is ready and they are okay”, I replied. Mother said to me that I should be patient and if I just planted it how I expect it to be ready so fast.

A few days later I go outside to stand a few minutes and I was producing the cutest smile when my eyes saw my carrots and corn uprooted. I looked around me to see grey monkey all staring at me as I shrieked for my dear mother. It was a free live performance for them. They damaged my crops, so upset, I cried. My mum said I must not worry because there are more seeds and not all crops were uprooted. Next day I go to find my Grand dads sister, Dorothy was checking to see what it was so pulling one out was not enough proof so she pulled out all. Devastated, I cried even more, this was the last of planting for me, my mum said No we can always plant again. I said No, no more; monkeys and people are too inquisitive. I ran inside I felt I was better off reading books.

A few hours later my mother calls me outside to see something. I refused to go outside to be reminded of my heartbreak. She insisted and I disliked any one mentioning my name more than thrice, it annoyed me. I ran out to see she planted all the crops again. I was over the moon, she helped me tend and water it. One day there where leaves bitten and we found locusts in our garden, she planted a few more just in case. I tasted the carrots, so fresh and juicy with a few grain sands I had forgotten to rinse off due to excitement.
I was disobedient to open the packet containing seeds. Mother said to me to wait and she would guide me but I wanted to do things my way and in my time. How many times has disobedience in our lives brought us into unexpected situations like the seeds being wasted in my Garden patch or the torn Carrot seed packet?
How many times we suppose to repent before God but we took our time and wasted time like when I handed my mother the packet of seeds in slow motion. I knew I was wrong but I delayed in confessing.
When you do wrong God knows. There have been occasions we got away with our parents (very rarely) but you cannot try this trick with our all-knowing Father.
Before planting there is a process one must follow carefully. My mother gave me the instructions and God gives us instruction in various ways and one way in particular is the Bible, our book of instruction.
Removing rocks is removing obstacles and bondages. Uprooting weeds is uprooting strongholds. Tossing the soil is like throwing away the old hurts and pains.
Looking at my crops was not helping its growth. I needed to water it. Water represents the Holy Spirit. Looking at the harvest, acknowledging the harvest and smiling at it is all good in the first few seconds of you admiring the harvest but what actions are you putting to maintain and reap this harvest. The harvest is ripe but are the labourers ready?
When outside influences come to kill and destroy your crops like my family member, monkeys and locusts. God will come and give life and restore in abundance.

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